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Peas and Rice!

Kazozza's picture

Holy smokes! This site gets better every time I visit, fantastic work lads!

I have good news, I’m in the process of ordering a new modem (net connection to follow very shortly) and I have one or two more processes to complete before I order my shiny new laptop. Very excited! Soon I will have filled one of the gaping holes that was created the day I left the net… Huzzah!


Fuzz's picture

Kazozza returns!

w00t new net connection (a non bigpond one at that!)
w00t new laptop!

double w00t – all of Team IPX taking on the world in ET:QW!


welcome back man

Sha8doW's picture

Good to see ya Oz! (Qts Club)

Id personally like to welcome your ever expanding ass into our ever expanding team!

Just kidding

Kazozza's picture

that’s one ass you will be

that’s one ass you will be kissing in no time at all =)

Boo qantas, boo british airways (looong story).

Boo dell for having such a pissweak videocard, slight delay on the laptop….

Fuzz's picture

Net access (Objective Club)

Oz are you one with Node yet?

chipper's picture

get back to work you!

get back to work you!

Fuzz's picture

mmm.... hog

if I wasn’t running windows 2003 at work I’d come right into ET:QW and run you over with my Hog!

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